
This is another one from Cat Power

So its 10:49 and I just made it into work. For some reason, I can't get to work any earlier than an hour and a half after I am supposed to be there. It helps that my boss is always in absentia, like most of the men in my life. Last night, Bad Idea Ben (BIB) left some white peaches at my door after some text messages in spanish asking me whether I wanted any. I spoke with him briefly on the phone; he sounds like a younger, more uncertain version of himself. Good. BIB's in purgatory because god knows I love the guy and god knows I can't trust him. I've restricted him to an approximation of old fashioned courtship rituals - he can leave flowers and notes and fruit at my door, and we might periodically have long talks, but no more anything fun that might require a modicrum of mutual respect or trust. So far he's doing alright - he did pick the flowers off a tree, probably outside my house, and the note he left was inscrutable.

Anyway, back to said difficulty getting to work in the morning. I don't know what it is, just that I sit in my house in the morning and the engine turns over, but it won't start. My friend A is going to Afghanistan probably soon, and my friend L's son just got shot and is having hand surgery today, and I for some reason can't get up before 9:30 AM. Maybe its the clouds, maybe its wishing I was home to invite BIB in when he dropped off peaches, maybe its because Jack and Shira (the kittens) are so damn cute and its fun to watch them wake up in the morning.

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