
Burning Woman

So Umbrella stoped by yesturday evening to say hi to Jack, sip some aged English Ale and enjoy good conversation. Says he's kind of having a terrible month, and for all that, seems to be reassessing the situation and looking forward to having some not terrible months next year. Overall seems to be doing OK.. fending of the ladies with some success, and thinking about NYC. Nice.

I spent the rest of the evening cleaning and sewing and msging BIB, who was drifting in and out of sleep and rock climbing. Have made 2 new miniskirts from WH's linen and sari-silk pants, as well as a nice pillowcase which handily covers the sharpie stain on the duvet cover. I'm wearing my khaki skirt and one of WH's outdoorsy fashionably frumpled collared shirts today, and its a lovely look for summer, if I do say so myself.

Jack and Shira have taken to the mosquito net on my bed - they love poking their heads into it, walking forward, getting all tangled up, tearing the shit out of it, then meowing for me to let them out. Good thing its a decorative mosquito net, I don't think it will keep a bug out ever again. I've been searching for the 10 flourescent rabbit fur mice I bought them, and for the life of me I can't find them. Its a small studio - Where could they be stashed?

So I don't think I will be going to burning man and I'm sad. It sounds like a super fun vaca and I'm sure I'd have the time of my life, but for me its a relationship-committment thing and the relationship right now doesn't support that kind of thing - I'll just feel anxious and overextended.

Not expecting this to go over well and I expect its probably the first step in phasing down expectations of whats going to happen between me and the BIB. Or he could call my bluff and shape up some more, which would probably make me more anxious than ever.

Anyways, I should think of a backup vacation. Maybe I will go to greece and visit Antonia, for once and for all. The islands should empty out in a month.. we'll see.

In other news, I didn't get into work until 1PM today, even though I went to bed early and ate dinner and did all the appropriate go to bed rituals and DIDNT drink (much) or go to karaoke till all hours with Umbrella and Tia and Jen and BIB. On the plus side, my boss is fighting a move to make me hourly and having me clock in, which HR is trying to do to all us salaried workers due to changes in FCLA regulations. And he recommended me for a merit raise. I guess the message is that he supports me having irregular hours, working from home, coffee shops, outside on the patio with the MBAs, etc, as long as I manage it well and keep faculty happy. I guess thats what I want, I just wish I had a little more self-discipline over when I get into work in this absence of external structure.


Ms. Bling in the ATL

I was about to bitch about the Chinese food I just had, but then I thought, "What do I expect? It's Chinese food, which is always disgusting in a neighborhood like mine..."

I digress. Hourly time clock punch in thing sounds good. It might help you get in on time. Whether this actually increases productivity is another story. Your decision to not go to burning man, but to go to Greece - also good. He might up the ante, but you've got to see what a broken mess he is. Make him work.

I think I've finally cut off my BIB, though I am sure he is sending me some "special gift", ick.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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