
If I go I won't be lonely

So shot some pool with the BIB last night, then hung out at mine with sister and GIG for PBJ sandwiches. Fun times in the ATL.

BIBs half talked me into going to burning man with him and, you know, it does sound like fun. If only he didn't make me so anxious so I could relax and enjoy the insanity.

Anyways, his sell is that it will be a nice time. If he goes alone, he will spend a lot of time alone on the playa. If I go with him, we will explore together and spend a week wandering the desert.

I pressured him to talk about 'us' and he was real good about thinking about himself, or worrying about me, but when asked about what the hell we're doing together, or how he feels about me, he comes up blank. No word yet on why exactly he fucked around, why he fucked around in a way calculated to do the most damage, and what has changed so that he won't do it again.

I think I will put it to him that I need an answer on that. God, I'm such a pussy.

In other news, works going ok, and if I do take a vacation in 2 weeks thats a kick in the but to get a shitload of stuff done and stop spending so much money on beer and cigarettes. Correction, tequila and cigarettes.

Free your mind, your ass will follow. Deep words from a spiritual man, George "P-Funk" Clinton. Put forward the appropriate questions. Get an answer. If there is no answer, it's just as bad as a negative answer.

I say this, but I am guilty of not following this same advice for my BIB. I've also been told that it should not be this hard; if it's meant to be, it'll work itself out. He'll come runnin' back...

Can I stop quoting musicians? It's one of those mornings.
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