
What did you think Miss Kitten was doing on the road?

So I think I'm going a little bit nutty. Lots of guests in town, had a jam packed weekend of BIB, sister, sister's Good-Idea-Gnat (GIG), BIBs NYC friends, hiking, gourmet beer, shopping, spinning, cooking, eating.

I am, however, one guest short. My lil' bro apparently flew to Orlando last week, then drove back to Boston. My sister was in Orlando last week, and I live in (you guessed it) ATL. In fact, I left him a voice mail on Saturday saying what the ? and he never returned that call EITHER. Maybe its because I didn't get him a birthday present this year. Well, maybe I'll do something now - better let than never. Frog has helpfully suggested that I buy him a map of Atlanta.

Anyways, currently working on a transcription project for which the price to beat is $3K. I'm thinking of giving it to some grad students for $1.5K. That makes me happy, they will like the work and the money. Little windfall. Just have to work up a quote.

Feels like the weekend will not end. Mentally, I'm still there, which makes it difficult to look my coworkers in the eye. BIB called last minute last night, said he was going to hang out with the burning man crew, so we went. I had fun, talked with a lot of folks. Got the official invite to join BIBs camp at burning man, but its two weeks away and a few hundred dollars so don't think I'll make it. Plus I'm nervous about this weirdo relationship and the increasingly strange locales in which it plays out. I have that feeling that well - if it doesn't work out, at least it will make a very funny story a few years down the road. Problem is, I already have lots of funny stories from up the road. I don't want any more, I want a honey.

Anyways, they had a swing there, and lots of fun movable sculptures, and a table, and fun ppl to talk with. And a forklift, which I played with a little bit. As new guests they asked me to move sculptures across the warehouse, to which I replied "I'm unionized!" ha ha ha. They're super-boys, easy to amuse, disposable, replacable, lots of turnover. They remind me of those boy clicques in high school I never hung out with. Something about the interaction is highly enjoyable but lacking substance. Take it, or leave it?

Well, hello there. I've just finished walking about Diverse New England Urban Neighborhood USA, and am trying to set up dates with heartthrobs of the doctoral persuasion. No such luck so far, though I am poised at keyboard at all times...

Perhaps you need to get out of that weekend mode and into the week. That's what I am doing, procrastinating on those final grant edits before I can say goodbye to the little non-profit.

Hey, among those superboys, was there any "gotsta dance nick" types in there?

Also, interested in paying *me* some cash to transcribe?
Um, no 'gotsta dance' folks, lots of 'gotsta spin' ppl though. -shrug- I dunno what faculty will decide with the transcriptions, but yeah, if it comes through I'm gonna spread the tapes far and wide and try and finish the project ASAP.

I've sobered up now (I had a lot of tequila at an unspecified hour of the night - it was dark out, I know that much... and I think I was still a little bit tippy this AM.) so work is coming more naturally.

Really not sure what to do about the BIB. Incident #2 last night... still haven't talked about the overwhelming question, oh do not ask 'what is it', let us go and make our visit. My sister is pretty strongly against the relationship, thinks it will never work. I don't have a good track record relating with boy-boys... just can't speak their language.
Everyone thinks the relationship won't work. Since you know what you want, you've got to make it known. Maybe that's the ticket to resolution or whatever it is you seek from this.
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