
You Had Me From Shalom


I've given up on work.

Its 12:15.

I'll put in a few more hours, take some work home with me, go shopping with my sister, hang out with the skitzofrenic cousins for a few hours, go to bed.

Last night had dinner with Umbrella, BIB, Pauk, sister, and WH. Everyone was dead. Dead tired. Its the cold weather from the north followed by the penubra of the hurricane blowing over - makes us think of fall, makes us tired. Dunno why Umbrella is so absent these few weeks. I think he formally warned me that he would be absent in late summer and here I am taking it personally anyways. I started to tell Umbrella my petty theivery story - the hospitality principle vs. EatheRich principle, but didn't get too far. Haven't worked it out in my head.

Tomorrow, BIB's friends A& are coming to town. As far as I can tell, BIB hasn't slept all week - maybe an hour or two. I wonder what thats all about. I was kinda curious so I told him I'd stop by after helping WH clean, prob to sleep. He wasn't opening the door at 2:30 (I HATE locked doors) so I climbed up the wall onto the roof and in the window, scraped up my leg too. B walked in as I jimmied the window open and said, "can you stop doing that?" I guess thats a boundary I should respect, a reasonable request, etc. etc. What can I say, I was born in a country without walls. Literally.

I keep buying all this cocoa butter in the hopes of healing myself, but unfortunately I cut/scrape/burn myself faster than I can heal, and all the cocoa butter, aloe, and vitamin E in the world can't change that. Maybe when I'm rich, I can buy some new skin, some new limbs, straighten & stripe my hair, implant my lips.

BIB was working when I broke in, had the TV and the radio going. No insights forthcoming, not that I dug, I just bled on his couch and then tried to go to sleep. But couldn't so around 4 I left. Got up at 8AM, conned my sister into doing some take home work, then drove in to the office to make an appearance.

Too tired to write much. Wild Honeys leaving today, said sayonara last night. I hope she has a good and safe drive. Gonna miss that girl.

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