
Max Headroom

Lol. Just called the campaign to sort out the whole poll watcher training for this week/end.

K, the great miscommunicater, answered the phone. K and I almost came to blows several times on Sunday because she is completely out of her mind and misunderstands everything in a negative way. So, for example, I'm talking to myself. I say, "Oh, we're not doing Madison county!" Karen starts yelling at me, saying that a man just walked in who has been doing a lot of work in Madison county, and he would not be happy if he heard that we were not doing Madison county.

Anyways, today, K answers when I call the office. I ask her to get L on the phone. K picks up a minute later and tells me in a disapproving tone and asks me 'Where are you? You're supposed to be here, and I suggest you get her pronto." I tell K that thats impossible, I'm at work, in Atlanta. K tells me that L and the bald black man were very clear, I am expected in the office ASAP. I tell her to put L on the phone, which she reluctantly does. L and I have a little conversation about how K is fantastic at managing the office, but unfortunately, she's completely out of her mind.

L's still sorting out housing for me, so I talked with Ann, whose helping me with the poll watchers. As I left it on Sunday night, we had gotten a handful of volunteers to be poll watchers in each county. On Monday, they had to drive all over the panhandle to collect original signed forms, then hand deliver them to the Supervisor of Elections today at noon. I asked her how the hell she had gotten it done. She said she was doing 95 down Route 10 at 11:30 this morning, sprinting through the halls as the clock struck noon... lol.

Anyways, I'm going to do a little telecommuting from here in the ATL, though the pressure is building for me to go down there and stay.

One of the baby campaign interns has a crush on me. I told him I was bringing my own boy-toy this weekend, and he told me to leave the baggage at home, nuthin' wrong with a little campaign indiscretion. Then he invited me to be his Monica for the costume ball on 11/2 - men in suits with cigar, women in blue dresses.

Anyways, probably funnier in person.

Back to work,

- ATLMmim

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