
Nude as the News

So. I didn't get up until 2PM today. I need an angry giant frogmarching me to the shower to get me out of bed. Where can I buy one?

Have a 10AM mtg in Tallahassee tomorrow morning, but I won't be done with work til 10 tonight. Right now I'm thinking I'll drive to a little town called Moultrie and sleep in my car, then wake up at 7AM and keep driving. I'd also like to stop alongside the road and steal a cotton plant - I was amazed to see them growing in fields for the first time in my life last weekend. The sight inspires strong curiosity and morbid dread in me. As a hands-on historical project I'd like to get to know a cotton plant, the shape of its leaves, its smell, its sensitivity to rain and drought. We'll see.

Election has gotten ugly and its gone on too long. Edwards is promising that the modern day Lazarus will rise again, the liberal news media is taking biblical references literally, Sinclair is showing the nightmare about media conglomeration to be true and in return we lose more faith in the wisdom and judgement of the American people, Bush is wired for sound/oddly giggly/spanking the podium in a way that makes me worry for Laura Bush's tender hiney. Kerry is outing the Vice Presidents daughter. Folks are taking responsibility for other ppls ballots and then betraying it, or fulfilling it sloppily.

But who didn't know it would be ugly and we'd be oversaturated. Still gotta win.

Cats are still cute except that they keep getting reinfested with fleas, and She-ra coughed up a hairball this morning which Jack tried to eat. Not so cute. I've given up on fixing my template and have gone back to the generic; the title of this post is linked to something non-political and relaxing, if you'd like.

Here's to November 3rd. Vote Kerry, kids... vote Kerry.

- ATLMmim

I noticed that you're back to the old template. But I thought it would be best to not mention. Lazarus. Edwards must be reading about Paul Farmer and the "Lazarus effect" in preaching about the need for treatment with anti-retrovirals in the developing world. Or perhaps he is talking about the Bible.
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