
Votes needed to bitchslap Zell Miller: 480,513

Lil' break from the presidential debate and a quick look at my local senate race:

"Democratic" senator Zell Miller decided to give up a safe seat and in return the Republicans decided to let him nominate George Bush at the RNC. Miller had previously said he should have switched to the Republican party long ago since he usually votes with them, but he was too old. It looks like the GOP is going to get an official seat to replace the de facto one it had.

from Rasmussen poll taken Oct 5.
D Denise Majette (42%)
R Johnny Isakson (54%)

In Florida, the numbers are so nice. Energize 700 new voters, and you win the presidency. Here in GA, not so nice.

Active voters: 4,004,273.00
Inactive voters: 766,827.00
TOTAL voters: 4,771,100.00

Majette voters: 1,681,794.66
Isakson voters: 2,162,307.42

Votes needed to bitchslap Zell Miller in 23 days: 480,513 - or over half of the inactive voters.

Thats a lot of votes. Thats like, 3 degrees of friendsters.

PS: if you're gonna vote and you don't have a GA state license, bring your passport, or one of the following: http://www.co.fulton.ga.us/news_events/news_detail_T401_R288.html

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