
Its Getting Hot in Herre

Arafat died. ODB died. Powell resigned, along with a bunch of CIA staff.

Big week, I suppose, in some ways.

But I haven't been following the news, though I try to stay aware. Been cleaning up my lifestyle the last two weeks, and hobbies wise... well I'm turning my attention towards Georgia politics because I'm no slouch, and better dead than red. A couple of ideas:


1. Environment:
- tie to McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act, and
- the release of Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report,
- areas of likely inundation on Georgia's coastline should the sea rise 1 meter
- hunting and fishing interests in GA (see recent Montana campaign)
- biblical values about caring for the land
- worries about asthma and congestion

2. Health care - looking at single payer plans

3. Voting rights -
Make election day a holiday
Paper trails

1. Use religious language to articulate issues: 'creating a culture of life' platform that discusses 'choosing life,' refusing to give the government the power to say what only G*D can determine: when life begins, when it is so evil that it should end, etc., preserving the environment, endorsing gay marriage, and anything else I want to come under it. You think I'm kidding. Thats just because I haven't forced you to attend services yet and come back and report back on how we can form a Jewish/Catholic/AME/UU wedge in the religious red vote.
2. Looking at the liberatarian vote as folks who would break away from the republican party on particular issues, and as an indication of GOP weaknesses in this red of reddest states.

Need to find some good candidates. WH is currently tied up at Hahvahd, becoming more liberal than Ted Kennedy, I'm sure. In ten years, she'll be nice and ready for a Senate seat. In the meantime, I'll keep looking.

Also been interested in learning Samoan, finally. Need to memorize some vocab, then turn to grammar. I'm headed for another family reunion in 2006, and... well... it'd be nice to do a little research project on the Mau revolution. Go round and interview lots of old folks, do a nice little write-up. We'll see.

In other news, I've changed around all my furniture, been spending time at home. Went for a long run last night - mile jog, then stopped at a book store, then a fast 1/2 mile, then rest, then a fast 1/2 mile back, then warmdown to the hardware store to pick up a wrench and some drill bits, then slow jog back home. Feels good, still feel good. Once I get a good run on, I just want to keep on running. Sitting at home gets me into this weird rage and I just wanna run.

Cats are damn cute, they're spoiled southerners, won't go outside when the temperature dips below 50. I threw them out (literally: some dude was walking by and he cracked up, seeing my cats fly out and land on top of each other) because it was nice and warm in the afternoon, and after looking dazed and chilly for 5 minutes, they bounded back in. Lazy. Wait til it snows, I'm gonna photo them dancing on the frozen ground.

The BIB is the BIB. Dunno what to say. Had a long convo with WH last night, and after hearing his latest strange antics, she vowed to beat the shit out of him. Lol. Cheers.


- ATLMmim

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