
Easing the Spring

So the boy wrote from Vietnam today. Hanoi, I guess. Short message about being solicited for prostitution. I get the impression that boys feel strange about that sort of thing. Apparently the hotel manager inquired about my existence and proximity to the hotel, and now that I think of it, thats the last question I'd ask if I were a pimp. Remind the customer of their significant other? Bad for business.

That the boy is in Vietnam is the biggest news I have, I suppose.

Still working, sort of. At work now, which is better than I did yesterday. I've got to deliver some data and wrap up a project and I'm so not interested in doing the first bit. Then I've got to prepare some hypertext document which I think is potentially destined for publication or something. I wish these were the sort of things that just go away if they never get done.

Been watching movies. AI - Jude Law as robot hooker, which I didn't believe when the plot was described to me, but now I see how it worked in there. Good movie to teach for a hypertext/lit theory class, which I guess is why I had it referred to me. Robot as text/memory, the constrution of childhood, stuff like that. Pick a few scenes, make a few points. Out of sight, another good er... whats his name. Robert, Joe, Chris.. no.. The guy from ER and Solaris and 3 Kings and Oceans 11 and ... I can't remember his name now. Anyways, its a real sweet romance, fiesty female lead. Yay. Will probably rent the Bourne Supremacy tonight, because Matt Daemon reminds me of the boy, and maybe an anti-Bush documentary.

It really bothers me that the boy always has money and vacation time for trips, and I can never put together the two in order to go. And if I become a student I'll never have the money for that kind of thing. And if I make the money, I'll never have the time. I guess what I want is to plan a trip to Samoa next January and bring him along, if he has any interest in that sort of trip.

Now that the boys gone, I can either get more social, or spend all my time alone. I'm not relishing being lonely and getting strange, but I think it might make me focus, pinpoint concentrate, turn inwards and get out what it is I have a month to do. I think he'd like me to check up on a few of his friends who are in rough patches, which I'll do. I cut my hair all off today, now I just have to put excercise into my routine and quit smoking and either pick up the slack at work or get a new job. I'd like to have these things done before the boy gets back, I'm always so distracted when he's here, and I'd like a firm starting point for the new year. Its a short winter we have in Atlanta, mid-December is not to soon to be thinking about spring.

Hi all! prived bobri

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