
Smoking, Iran, Dog

Quit smoking 10 days now. If only my other self improvement projects were going this well - still have very little discipline at work. American Lung Association site works quite well - helped mentally prepare a lot. Didn't notice until my quit day, but I'm a lot more solid than I've been in the past - I feel like this is super, super managable. And, of course, the patch. This weekend is a step down, so I'm gonna be closeted in the house again just in case my mood gets quirky. The boy and I have been holing up, first because we hadn't seen each other for a while, now because I'm not going out to bars quite as much (only twice a week, I guess). Been taking long walks just to get out of the house. Oh well. I'm sure we'll start socializing again soon enough. Might have a gingerbread crack house party, or dinner.. who knows.

Kool-Aid references resurface... CNN says 43 is eyeing Iran.

"As people say to me, when it comes to meetings about this issue, if you don't drink the Kool-Aid, you can't go to meetings," he said. "That isn't a message anybody wants to hear."

The plans are not limited to Iran, he said.

You know, I wouldn't be surprised. Inauguration on the 20th, we're going to try and make a little noise at the CNN coverage of ATL inauguration watching. Then off to an event at the 5-spot.

I'm getting to know L's dog, Atilla. He's a dumb black lab who knows that people like it when he sits, and thats the extent of his training. He's staying at the boys for an indeterminate amount of time, and the boy is not altogether pleased with having to train a puppy thats not his. Though I think he likes having a dog. I've been having fun with it - jogging with a dog is awesome, because they enjoy it so much, hard to get bored or bitch to myself. And, its nice to have a pet around that comes when you call, and will feel guilty when he does something bad. Not like Jack and She-ra, those ungrateful brats. Shera clawed my hand the other day because I was brushing her too much. After all my love and attention and care! I was pretty pissed. Goddamn cats.

And, TMS proposed to WH. Thats quite big news. From a distance, it feels good. I hope I get to be in the wedding party and meet Paul Farmer and Jeffery Saks. ; D


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