
6 Feet Under

I was sitting here at my computer today, thinking, I was kind of mad, actually, and then funny words started popping into my head.

"Mad Martigan."


I couldn't remember what they were, so I looked them up. I googled them.

Mad Martigan is Madmartigan from George Lucas's epic film, 'Willow', played by a young Val Kilmer. The film was released when I was 11 years old.

Oksana Baiul, the Ukranian orphan, stole the Olympic gold for Figure Skating from Nancy Kerrigan in the winter of 1994. I was 16.

And then I thought, "thats funny. I wonder what that means." And then I started thinking about me, and I thought, "You know Miss Blingbling? (thats what I like to call myself, Miss Blingbling) If you had a personal ad, this is what it would say:

In my spare time, I like to...
  1. sing karaoke
  2. go to the boys friends bible study which he can't go to because his people killed Jesus
  3. sew my own clothes
  4. study statistics
  5. staff a rape crisis hotline
  6. jog
My biggest recent accomplishments are:
  1. I quit smoking for new years and
  2. since last fall, I've all but stopped drinking.

What I'm currently reading:

Both on the recommended reading list of the Rape Crisis Center.

All this to say, I feel really bad for the boy. Cuz he never would've answered that ad.

Oh well. His loss. Off to meet umbrella and the boy at 6 feet under. Get a drink, celebrate friday, have a tipsy walk through the cemetery at night. Cheerio.

- Ms. I-Put-The-Bling-in-the-ATL

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