
Secrets, secrets...

So I just discovered today that SOME PEOPLE have been keeping secrets from me. Little red secrets. Well, big ones actually! Secretive people would be: 1. the boy and... 2. a certain someone, we'll call her Ms. Debarra. I've been a little bit wondering about Ms. Debarra. She hadn't responded to phone calls, and our last one was a little ... well, she's been attacking the tough things in life: challenging job, seriousish relationship, new city. So I called a few times to touch base, but no answer, no call back, just phone silence for a week or two. I figured she needed some space but to try again before too much time.

Anyways, from boy: plane ticket and trip arrangement with debarra for VDAYgift. Friends and boy in cahouts to get me out of town for some R&R and to meet fun people! I'm going to visit Debarra at the end of the month! Its awesome awesome awesome!

Anyways, its nice on so many levels. I had no idea I was getting something good. One of the nicest things is that something was going on that I didn't know about - a secret, a surprise, but in the end, not one to worry about - a nice surprise! So often in life I worry its what I don't know that hurts me.

You know, I am never a fan of the day. VDAY has made me suffer many years in a row. Either for being single, or because I crack under the pressure to have one nice day and start fighting with whoever my SO is. Though I do like cheap red gifts on sale at the end of the month - little heart shaped boxes. And for the past few years I try to make cards or CDs and stuff for all my friends, thats fun and nice. This 2005 though, this is a nice valentines day all around. Umbrella and Allycat seem on the up and up. Saw ex best friend over the weekend and thats always nice - when it happens and goes alright. Got a call from WH last night, and TMS gets props for making her giggly and happy and just seeing downright great. And my dad came by this weekend, and ... I think his new relationship is really good for him - he seems so... balanced and tactful and fun and wise. Not uptight emotionally straitjacketed dad from having to deal with crazy ladies all the time.

OK, thats all very nice. Happy VDAY all.

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