
so I talked with my boss today

And told him that I'd been sick a lot in November and January. And gave him all my timesheets to sign.

And then I told him about my big dark bad mistakes. How I'd organized the coding aspects of a research project and how in the end the interrater reliability rating is .65, not >.70 like it needs to be.

And also how I don't get money - where it comes from, how to get it, when I'm supposed to spend it for projects.

He seemed to think that it was all fine. And mentioned that he was bringing me on a conference in May with his boss.


Its alarming how disparate my view of my work and the worlds view of my work is. Either I put on a good face and the other shoe will drop, or I'm actually within the normal range of odd behaviour.

I dunno.

- Ms. Bling

Always surprising yourself with your brilliance. Your standards are *not* the standards of the typical workplace. You must know this by now. Can't wait to hear about the conference. Sounds like a decent enough reward for your screwed up interrater reliability rating.
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