
Big Story w/John Gibson

Cute site, 'we watch Fox so you don't have to.'

Laugh of the day comes from the transcript of FOX News' Big Story w/John Gibson:

Gibson, who supports the USA PATRIOT Act, says "Well, I don't know about you, but I haven't seen any terror attacks here. It must be working good. Why change it?"

Napolitano says that both Attorneys general Ashcroft and Gonzalez said they needed it to prosecute terrorist but to date not one single terrorist has been caught or prosecuted using the powers of the act. Other criminals and crimes have been, including prostitution, pornography, and political corruption in Las Vegas. Gibson interjects about the horrific crime where a woman stole another woman's growing fetus and the powers were used to track the killer; Napolitano says they have not used it as they said they need it, to prosecute terrorists.

Gibson then says the totally puzzling "Well we didn't find WMDs either" and Napolitano says "right."

In other news, nice weather these days. Rock climbing some, playing violin some, cleaning not a lot. Life goes on.

Ciao ciao,

- Ms. Bling

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