
Its a Surprise!

-----Original Message-----From: Jamek

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 2:17 PMTo: Tanisha; Lisa; Patricia; Lan; Nat; Ms. Bling; Wang

Subject: Re: It's a Surprise!

I don't mean to bother or pressure anyone but, will you let me or Tanisha know if you plan on contributing any money for Moses new rocking chair. Tanisha is placing the order tomorrow and needs a heads up on how much money she has to place the order. I would rather have an answer than the order is placed and someone try to give their money and it's too late. Thanks and again I am not pressuring anyone.

-----Original Message-----From: Ms. Bling

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 2:17 PM
To: Tanisha; Lisa; Patricia; Lan; Nat; Ms. Bling; Wang
Subject: Surprise!

Jamekia, Tanisha, Lisa, Patricia, Lan, Nat and Wang!

Glad to hear there is no pressure.

I regret to inform you that I am an incurable deadbeat and poor money manger and by the time I have $12 again, it will be too late.

- Ms. Bling

Well done for having the balls to say it, I'd have caved immediately.
my actual message was...

"Its a very nice thing that you are doing. But this is pressure and in my view, inappropriate."

And I got in trouble and had to apologize.

Oh well!
You're always going to be in trouble, because you don't allow yourself to be acculturated into this bullshit office scene. Oops. Did I curse on your blog?
yeah, I will. But it'll be minor trouble, no real repercussions. Did I spell that right? People need something to gossip about from time to time. And I don't think they'll be creating a 'did not donate yet' list in the future.
yeah, you spelled it correctly (i think). they don't have a list yet, but that stuff becomes part of collective office memory. next time they ask, they'll be sitting around, making jokes about the girl who's bold enough to say no to "pooled office gift-giving." i think that rocks.
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