
the Sweater

Had a funny moment at work today. I was sitting there, working on a study, listing to Randi Rhodes on Air America joke about the Secret Service putting her in 'stress positions.' And for no reason at all, I checked in. Had one of those moments - This is my life. This is what I do. I go to work, I follow the news, I work on stupid projects, I go home. This is it.

Had a funny moment at the boy's work today too. Went across town to drop off some stuff with a co-author of a study I'm working on, and the boy invited me to his end-of-semester pizza thing.

When I got there, he was talking to some old guys and and couldn't say more than hi to me. I was tempted to pull a, 'hey, do I know you? Cuz you look really familiar. Are you the guy who slept next to me last night?' But I was good, stayed for a minute, then left.

Went home and listened to NPR for a minute. There was a special on t-shirt manufacture in China. Then they spoke with a laid-off factory worker in Alabama who used to make clothes before the factory went out of business. He said he first realized his job was in trouble while he was shopping with his wife at Walmart. Just on a hunch, he checked the labels of the stuff on the rack beside him.

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