

Nothing grabs me lately that is of note to write about. Nothing automatically fleshes itself out in my mind as I'm walking to work, or puttering, etc. Just a few words and phrases. So, I guess I'll write and see what happens.

Do-over. Repetition. Sometimes you're not sure or you're not done or you're not ready, so you try something again, until you come to an outcome, resolution, transformation, synthesis, decision, what have you.

Been looking at decision making sciences, articles about how people make decisions in repeated trials with imperfect information.

In the article I've been reading, they're thinking about Bayes theory, which is a form of probablity forecasting which probably powers your spam filter by 'learning' what spam looks like each time you mark a new message as spam.

For me, the article has something to do with memory, and the heart of those axioms in my brain that help me make decisions. I know its not Bayesian theory, its something else, to do with optimism and pragmatism.

And that brings me to article #2 I read - about trust and attributions. Its in the identity theory line of thought. The crux of it is that people define causality differently depending on their assumptions about the benevolence of the person they are evaluating. It goes like this:

When someone is evaluating the cause of something negative someone else has done:
  1. If they have high trust, they write it off as a mistake, a blip, etc.
  2. If they have medium trust, they're not sure whether they're seeing the tip of the iceberg or a mistake.
  3. If they have low trust, they say it was a mistake, but secretly they think tip of the iceberg.

The other trust article I read had to do with different strategies for regaining trust based on whether the mistake involves competence or integrity.

If one has broken trust on a skill level - say, a doctor has a poor outcome, then regaining trust can come in the form of an apology. Others are quick to regain faith in someones skill despite mistakes if they see someone perform a skilled maneuver once.

However, if the breach of faith involves integrity, it is better to deny, shift attention, etc. People generally think someones basic integrity as the 'floor' of activities they will engage in.

Do-over. Repetition. Sometimes you're not sure or you're not done or you're not ready, so you try something again, until you come to an outcome, resolution, transformation, synthesis, decision, what have you.

In other news, its sunny and humid. In the afternoon, there's been hints of storms broiling, anr it reminds me of Samoa, that amazing fragrant humidity that hits you when you get off the plane, letting you know where you are.

Its a lovely day today for not working, and I'm glad its the weekend, though I've got nothing special planned. April is slipping by, and busy May is coming up, and then it will be Summer, Summer, Summer. Looking forward to it.

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