
The Lovesong of JC Wilbanks

Dear Bling-Bling in the ATL Readers,

Its in the static on Air America when I drive into the parking garage. Its the dust on the outside-top of the window pane that I just can't clean. Its your psychic sorrow, your bleeding aura, the painstaking attention you've lent to each tragic twist of the human interest story which has gripped the nation these past 5 days. I can feel it.

No, I'm not talking about Congress's recommendation of 70 billion in tax cuts to the wealthy over the next 6 years.

I'm talking about Jennifer Carol Wilbanks. The missing-turned-runaway bride??? Perhaps it seems inconcievable, but those of us in Atlanta hear the high pitched hum of distress emanating from the Wilbanks-Mason families more poignantly than other Americans. And so, we, the Atlanta arts community, have risen to the occasion to heal the nation with prose and poem.

Spoken For

Into the television and concrete buried in flowers, there are two whites, both under suspicion, who are as selfish as they were yesterday. Where dads had seen them from behind their glasses; a dress, white wrapping, and cake on the table, as if each discretion were to be forgiven by the other, both dressed in clothes which were even and spoken for, as a costume is at a party, or inside one's own room for that matter. In turn, moms are sleeping through the guest room, but could not follow their action, the puzzling gestures that would appear then diminish into another wall, the slow playing of games was to each his own and for this they were made to defend. the woman smiled and stared at his reaction, in that he could not open his eyes, she could remember her plan, it was to wake up before he did.

Nude as the News

The fiancé of the bride-to-be
has yet to agree. How many husbands
have gone out for a pack of cigarettes?

You can only search so much
until somebody gives you direction
"We've turned over every leaf," he said.

Wedding vows on his desk
14 long black gowns
A strand of hair that is consistent
with Lismore Tall by Waterford
and Solitaire China by Lenox.

Two large respected families
deeply rooted, well-connected.
Last-minute sharing their anguish
enduring strain, questioning and
an intense glare.

Fascinating. How come everybody outside of Duluth knew that she was a "runaway bride" but everyone in Duluth seemed to think she was kidnapped. Must've been that whole "important" family thing they keep talking about.
My aunt just clapped her hands with glee and said, 'you can bet there's more to it'.
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