
My dream ate your dream

Went to my mum's 50th last weekend - she'd called 7 days in advance and told me she was quitting her job.

So I bought a ticket, organized a little party, and spent some time talking with her about retirement.

I don't think she ever spent much time thinking about the future when she left my dad - she did it in a way that precludes alimony.

I don't think she understands much about what the floor is in terms of living conditions for retirees in America. No health insurance, no food, no housing.. of course this would never happen, but on the other hand, I don't think my mom would be happy being dirt poor.

So I got all her financial statements and I'm gonna start looking through them and trying to make a reasonable retirement plan.


Been following plamegate for shits and giggles. TalkingPointsMemo and Wonkette pretty much give me what I need.


Going to Vote, Run, Lead GA this weekend. Not expecting much from the scheduled events, but am interested to see who shows. Guess I should get some business cards made up.


The boy and I usually trade dreams in the morning. Last night I dreamt of fish while he dreamt of cats.

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