
Emails between Ralph Reed and Jack Abramoff...

From Paul Kiel, TPM
April 11, 2001, as Reed was mounting a campaign for the chairmanship of the Georgia Republican Party:
Reed writes:

"Jack, would you be willing to contribute personally to my state chair campaign? This race is costing me $50-100K, and i'm asking my friends to help."

Abramoff responds:

"Sure. Give me the name of the entity."

Reed deadpans:

"The actual committee is "The Reed Family Retirement and Educational Foundation." It is a 501(c)(3). The address is 200 Bay Drive, Grand Cayman, BCI, R59876."


"Ha ha ha. Make sure you get me the proper committee name."

After Reed responded with the real name ("Reed for Chairman"), Abramoff wrote:

"Seriously, I'll get you the $10K this week or next from a source which owes me money."

The "source," you'll be unsurprised to hear, was the Mississippi Choctaw. In early April, the Choctaw cut a $150K check to the American International Center, one of the fake foundation slush funds Abramoff had set up with Michael Scanlon. On 4/12/01, Abramoff wrote to his assistant instructing $10K of the $150K check to be sent on to Reed's campaign (see page 54).

Reed says his campaign only got $5,500 from Abramoff and unsurprisingly claims complete ignorance about the true source of the funds.

Unfortunately for Reed, his fortunes seem to be declining lately. A recent poll showed him trailing his Republican challenger, and Sen. Cornyn (R-Tex.) on Meet the Press yesterday accused Reed and Abramoff of "bilking their Indian clients for millions of dollars."

Luckily, Reed has his sense of humor to see him through these difficult times...and maybe also a stash in the Caymans? In a less conspicuously named account, of course.

Did I tell you that I once saw Ralph Reed during one of my many political celebrity sightings at Reagan National Airport? He sat in front of me on the way to ATL and was reading a book about another politician. He looks like he's 12 years old.
In the beginning, I decided to join the campaign to impeach your "smirking chimp", my "dum'ass botch". As evidence for that, you'll soon be invited to click on a hyperlink.

Before doing so, however, I would like you to read through the rest of this text. In case, you'd like to know, the hyperlink for your blog, specifically, "bling bling in the atl", is found at the third hyperlink on the list below ... ah, please remember, no clicking until AFTER reading the entire text.

Perusing your blog, I believe I arrived at what is a reasonable inference. That is, both you and your readers would welcome news that indicates the campaign to impeach the president is increasing in both vigor and breadth. Ah, you'll find that evidence by clicking on the second enclosed hyperlink.

As for my game plan for capturing Osama, you'll find it by clicking on the first listed hyperlink, which immediately follows this colon:




.he who is known as sefton

oh, yes, surely, you've heard about the government "requesting" certain records about internet activity. oh, br'dah! ... cynical and skeptical lil'ole me, I'm smelling a rat in all that. Quite candidly, I have cause to suspect that more than compiling statistics on access to pornographic websites is involved.

oh, yeah, right after Hitler came to power, the German people were assured that, if they were innocent of untoward activity, they would have nothing to worry about ... yeah, right.
who are you? I'm scared of you. You sound crazy.
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