
More about Harpers

This is utterly odd.

Harpers seems to have wiki-fied its entire site, under the main category 'Connections,' which links between people, places, things, and ideas. Literally. Heres the list of links: Sources, Human Beings, Human Endeavor, Human Attributes, Human Needs, Ideas, Supernatural Beings, Nature, Geopolitical Regions, Organizations & Bureaucracies.

A few clicks in, you find yourself at a page as odd as this:

Entities at War

Directory of Entities at War

  1. Palestine
    1. Israel
  2. Satan
    1. Allah
    2. God
    3. Jesus Christ
    4. Muhammad
  3. United States of America
    1. Afghanistan
    2. Drugs
    3. Iraq
    4. Terrorism
This is Entities at War, a concept related to nationalism. It is part of Nationalism, which is part of Ideas, which is part of Connections, which is part of Harpers.org.

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Too, too weird.

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