
the Ring

random news of the day...

David Irving was sentenced over the weekend for denying the holocaust. Hard to know where to fall on this one, but I guess I'm for.Over at the corner on NRO, they're also split - I guess juxtaposed against the cartoon controversy, theres some concern about even-handedness re: free speech and offensiveness... I don't know. BIBs mentioned a bit about the trial, in which Irving sued Emory prof Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she called him a ... liar?

In a matter of weeks, Nicholas Kristoff raised 727K to send Bill O'Reilly to Darfur... which is kind of funny and definitely printworthy, but in the end, like most of Kristoff's pet projects, just another egotistical, dubious waste of money. Some people - O'Reilly is one- you just have to accept as they are - theres no formula to say x dollars and y life experiences equals z George Wallace conversions.

My friend MomZilla just started a blog - I'm a fan. She's a very wise lady, who's lived in the ATL for much longer than me, has married and joined a church and raised a child and bought a house here - just has a deeper interaction with the city and what this place is all about.

And O-Lo just came and left for a visit. Unfortunately me and BIB were sick, sick, sick the whole time. Still it was lovely seeing her - its been too long.

OK. Back to work.

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