
Me n' Kobe

So I started talking to a Rabbi. About things jewy. Just for fun.

The Rabbi told me to come see him sometime, and suggested I take an, 'interested in things jewy class' up in Dunwoody. Which would involve taking a bus to a train to a bus... and then doing it all over again to get back home again. This clearly violates my upper limt of 2 transfers per round-trip. I'm really not sure if G-d is worth it.

I complained to the boy, who had wrongly suggested that the Rabbi would make me, 'read a book and learn Hebrew ' or something. Which is entirely doable. 4 buses and 2 trains, once a week, for three months? Not so much.

The boy didn't have a lot of sympathy, and made caustic mention of the diaspora or exodus or something like that.


Atlanta Dodge Ball Tournament came and went, for those of you who don't know. My team was Dr. Funkenstein and the Funky Bunch and Ms. Bling Bling in the ATL. I refused to be in any 'funkybunch.' The boys were great in their shiny spandex and cut-off t-shirts. I wore my sisters birthday present, which I won't reveal until later, as I haven't given it to her yet.

We got through 3 rounds, but didn't place. Awwww. I had a lot of fun but was definitely the worst player. Of the three girls and one m2f transexual on our team, I was definitely the worst. I throw like a girl. I did get one guy out in the second game, and lasted til the end of the fourth, at which point I called time out. Coach tried to sub himself in for me, but was told that you couldn't sub a girl for a guy. Good thing we had a transexual. Dude can throw!

Went to my first NA meeting last night. Nicotine anonymous - I haven't been doing anything cool. It was good. I'm quitting next week, on April Fools Day. But for real this time. No, seriously.

Peace, out - I mean shalom,

- Ms. Bling

How funny. Dodgeball? Jewish Kobe? This entry has it all.
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